Friday, September 2, 2011

Top 10 Web Design Resource Sites

This website gives basic HTML codes which help to make a site visually appealing. It is simple to understand for someone who has no experience with using HTML codes. This site also covers graphics, fill out forms, and some java. The only thing I particularly do not like is the obnoxious yellow background and the site's general layout is unattractive.

This website covers in more words (instead of just providing codes) ways to make a web-page successful. It offers methods to make a site more practical and useful, not just chalk full of pointless graphics. It discuses design techniques so that you can catch the viewers attention and direct them to certain points on the page.  The tutorial graphics were extremely helpful and gives a step by step demonstration as to avoid any confusion. The only thing i didn't like was how lengthy this tutorial was.

This website defined the importance of making your objective clear to viewers. I agree that it is extremely important to make your points obvious and easy to find. That's the whole point people are viewing your site! It also describes how simplicity is sometimes better than extreme graphics. Less clutter can make a webpage look neater. It touches on HTML and adding design and graphics. It also talks about promotion which can be vital in drawing attention to your page.

This site gives advice on picking a good domain name, how to register it, and precautions you should take when purchasing one. It gives links to Dreamweaver tutorials that will help design the site. it also teaches you how to test the webpage, which is important to do before making it public. It also has some pointers on how to make money with your page.

This site has many different options to chose from and covers a large variety of possible things to use when designing your own webpage. It touches on successful blogging, fonts, HTML, JavaScript, and standards that must be met in order to produce a good webpage. It also gives instructions on utilizing neat graphics.

This site is easy and quick to read. The tips they offer help to pick out a design for the site, including color schemes. It also gives advice on navigation among other things.

This site is easy to navigate and understand. It discuses page design, navigation, page sizes, text layout, fonts and typefaces, and graphics and images. It also offers web hosting and help with choosing a domain name.

This site gives a more in-depth description of how to create a website. It gives a step by step tutorial on design and structure of the webpages. For the more advanced, it talks about more difficult techniques used in designing the site. It also talks about what tools you may need to work on your webpage. If you have trouble finding anything on the site they also provide a search engine to look things up with ease.

This site is great for the beginner and people who do not have a lot of experience on the internet. It starts by explaining the very basics.  On the left hand side you can chose from many options. It covers just about anything you might need to know about web page designing.

This site states the importance of planning before creating. I agree that you should definitely have a plan before you begin anything. It will make future choices that need to be made that much easier. With a clear plan it will be easier to design the site in a way that is suited to its purpose.

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